Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day #1...

So here we go, into BLOG land. For anyone reading- a warning. I do not- use correct puncuation or grammar. AND if you become offended easily and don't like stupid cute little animals, you can leave now. With that being said...
Ladies and Gentlemen please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at at times cause we are about to get the hell outta this place. You are entering the mind of Me. I know scary huh??

So whats on my mind today? Why did I start this blog? I am wanting to track my progress of day to day progress with my meds, thoughts and such without using facebook for the whole crazy nosey ass world to "share" with everyones kid brother. But don't get me wrong I dont think i could make it 48 hrs without some sort of withdrawl from FB.
*for future reference ,Facebook will be FB

Day #1

Started my thyroid meds back yesterday, so it was a good day. I can already tell a difference. I had alot more energy right off after about 6 hours.
Now today i am having cramps really bad, those are pretty normal. These seem a bit different but i hate to start blaming things on my meds yet that doctors say won't even show in my system for 6 weeks. I honestly don't believe they take that long. but who am I? I only take the meds. I am very grateful to be back on them though.
Song of the Day- Witchy Woman- Hope you enjoy

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